Monday, 5 October 2020

The Wooden Bridge

 #OctPoWriMo2020- Day 5

Going a bit different today with the form but weaving the words around the theme of the day :” Creating from your heart” with inspiration taken from an amazing click shared by a friend.

Form : Free Verse

Title of the Poem : The Wooden Bridge

Greenery caped the surroundings of the park

My heart craved for a long walk

Amidst the thick foliage

But all I could see from my cold window

Was the warm wooden bridge

Leading to a dense growth

Of trees and leaves entwined together

To prove “ together forever”

Does exist and is lived

The branches leaning forward

As if eager to make acquaintance

With anyone who happened to pass by

Sharing happy stories , I believe

For they have seen and heard so much

Their hearts must be full to the brim

Like mine

Longing for a patient ear

To share and hear

Creating bonds from experiences mingled

Straight from the Heart

Dissipating all fear and apprehension

We need the healing touch

More than ever Now

To cascade over the troublesome tidings

To live wholeheartedly without fear 

Spreading love, joy near and far

All this and much more

That wooden bridge reminded me of

Of happier times when laughter echoed in the air

The trees swayed in the evening breeze

Those are the happy memories

They want to share, I am sure

For they have seen and heard so much

Their hearts must be full to the brim

Like mine

But all I could see from my cold window

Was the wooden bridge warm and welcoming

And my heart longed for their acquaintance, one more time.


  1. Reminding of happiness and laughter and cheer lost somewhere along the way.. beautiful :)

    1. I could not post under my name as it was not displayed. Am Nima from

  2. I love the imagery - I can see that welcoming bridge!

  3. Nice imagery and melancholy, longing to remember those good times of yesteryear.
    Lovely poem.
