Monday 23 October 2017

My entries for days 23 and 22- OctPoWriMo2017

Day 23 : "What is the message"

Attempted poetry form: Nonet

The concept took me to one of my old compositions," The Rainbow". I have always been fascinated by the magical existence of the glorious rainbow with the unique seven hues and feel that it spreads the message of peace and contentment . My spirits are uplifted at the very moment I see a rainbow across the blue sky ! My tribute to nature and its magical effect on my life!

I am the Rainbow

My entry is scripted right after a refreshing downpour
When clouds fade and the warm rays intersect
The prismy droplets, I emerge as a Rainbow .
Concoction of seven hues, My existence
defined by their warmth ,rejuvenated
Have a chat with the butterflies
Then I bid adieu with a
message of peace,

Day 22 : Purposeful passion

This idea is so near to my heart that I can write again and again! I love the poetry form "Acrostic" and though I have tried this form earlier, I am encouraged to try it again ,all the more because it given purpose to my composition as well.

Here it is:

 Re discovering the Golden Self once again

Poetry Form: Acrostic

Pursuing her dreams has always been difficult
Adjusting and accommodating demands of life prevalent
Sometimes the distance seemed to grow with each passing moment
Somewhere her hope to impart knowledge to the underprivileged
Instilled courage to bridge the gap between aspiration and reality
On she ventured alone to fulfill her destiny
Never after the first step did she ever look back

Watched the young minds bloom in the shade of enlightenment
Inspired others to follow suit
To come and join hands with her in this adventure
Hoping to rediscover the golden soul hidden beneath the layers

Polishing and garnering faith in the minds of the less fortunate
Urging them to journey on this wonderful path
Revealing the power within to accomplish what one dreamed
Purpose given to an ordinary life enhanced to serve
Overwhelming is the satisfaction experienced henceforth
So many lives brightened with education
Emboldening them on to realize what once their golden souls dreamed!


  1. Nice. I really like the acrostic also: )

  2. Your second poem is also a perfect answer to the question of the first :)

  3. Lovely, Amrita. In the 2nd poem, I especially like:
    "Purpose given to an ordinary life enhanced to serve" Thank you. xoA

  4. Thank you all for the lovely comments. Means a lot :-)
