Wednesday, 4 October 2017

I found Poetry!

Well, its that time of the year again!
My entry ( though a bit late) for Day 4 challenge at #OctPoWriMo2017.

Prompt : Between the clouds and the water

Still draped in the mesmerizing moments
When the cottony clouds came for a rendezvous
With the sparkling blue sky
When the butterflies sprinkled colors
On the jasmines floating by
When nature called for celebration
And the heart sang in unison
When the sea shore beckoned
Accompanied by the moonlit sky
When the waves danced with the wind
And kissed the sandy shores pink
That's when I knew
My search had culminated into
A treasure trove hidden from the eyes naked
I found words, syllables, lyrics
Woven into beads sparkling with magic,
Adorning the days and nights
The waters and the skies
I found Poetry in all its glory
Glittering like the numerous constellations
In the dark, colorful sky!

Image Courtesy : Self


  1. You have woven the words into an earthly constellation! Beautiful!

  2. This poem tells me you found and delighted in poetry everywhere. I love it. Thank you. xoA
