Friday 23 October 2015


#OctPoWriMo- Poetry prompt 23

Standing at the bank of the ocean,
Rooted by the feeling-
Overwhelmed at the vastness,
The limitless water- surrounding.

Lying on the grass,
Glancing up at the starry sky,
My heart wonders
At the wonderful creations,
Elated at being a tiny part
Of the beautiful canvas.

Walking through the deep forest,
Awed by the green presence,
Of giant trees and the solace,
The silence that envelopes the mind,
Oh! gratified at experiencing the peace.

Escalating the mountain terrain,
Gasping for breath at each possible instance,
Conquering the top,
Standing breathless- not from fatigue,
But  overwhelmed,
At the beauty that meets the eye,
From atop- feeling ecstatic and full of wonder !