Monday, 26 October 2015

Elegance personified!

#OctPoWriMo- Prompt 26: Loop Poetry.

Photo of the day :

Photo by Beverly Tan photography

Today's prompt is quite interesting and so is the photograph shared.
Wrote a few lines seeking inspiration from the photo shared and weaving the imagery with the concept of loop poetry.

She stands elegant,
A true beauty,
Elegant – an epitome of creativity,
Beauty that enthuses purity,
Creativity at its spirit of festivity,
Purity entwined with serenity,
Festivity that engulfs the air,
Serenity that brightens the atmosphere,
Air which smells of festive fragrance,
Atmosphere giving the heady eloquence,
Fragrance of the eternal sunshine,
Eloquence from her beauty divine,
Sunshine- that’s her name,
Divine is the environ,
Name it grace with elegance,
Environ is cheerful with her presence,
Elegance personified,
Presence glorified!