Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Giant wheel

#OctPoWriMo- Day 9
Prompt : Spiral
Attempted poetry form : Cascade

The giant wheel of emotion,
Oscillating between pain and elation,
Spiraling down my heart,the dagger of suffocating relation!

Dark clouds enveloped the horizon,
A lone ray of sunshine playing hide and seek with
The giant wheel of emotion

Standing atop the cliff of confusion,
Memories gushing past like bursts of wind in succession
Oscillating between pain and elation

Grasping desperately at the last straw,
Fleeing from the whirlwind of isolation
Spiraling down my heart, the dagger of suffocating relation!


  1. This is an interesting poem and poem style. It has a lot of movement and is also very visual.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Thank you so much :-) Wish you the same.
