Monday, 31 October 2016

My Emotional Merry- go - round and An eternal Love affair with words

Wow! We are at the final day of #OctPoWriMo challenge and I can hardly believe it ! I had a wonderful journey with the prompts and the various forms of poetry . This journey will remain close to my heart forever. Looking forward to it next year as well.

Day 31, prompt : Eternal . Poetry form : Acrostic

An eternal love affair with words

Endeavoring with unsure, trembling fingers
Touring the magnificent world of Words ahead
Envisaging a journey to be remembered indubitably
Raking up memories forgotten from the old life’s page
Never dreamt of this eternal Love story , which unfolded
Amalgamating concoctions of emotions untold, unsaid

Lovely companionship engraved in times spent, to be cherished till the end!

Day 29, prompt : Upside Down, Poetry form : Acrostic

Up , up and up, surging emotions burst aplomb
Picking strands of cognizance aflutter in the environ
Some crashing against the memory banks like waves unstill
In circles, around and above, riding the merry- go- round
Down the memory lane, journeying along the terrain
Encapsulated, coated with feelings unsaid

Daring to pop up , take a breath of fresh air
Overlooking the dangers lingering ahead
Whispering , withering to be freed of the wreath
Never looking back, taking a leap of faith!

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