Monday 9 September 2024

For Pluto, My World (this was long due)

 This is an appreciation post for my world- Pluto (my furry companion)

If Happiness had a face, it will be like Yours, I am sure

Love, loads of it, is the only thing I have felt around you

You embody innocence, a heart so pure

We are lucky to be chosen by you

For sadness and pain, You are the cure

In your arms lie comfort, a companion so True

Coming back to you after a difficult day, is a feeling so secure

Your presence gives us strength to sail through

It looks like just yesterday and today you are already so mature!

Hope you feel the same way like we do, too

Here’s to many years of paw-someness and more!

God Bless!

Thursday 5 September 2024


 An Acronym poem to express my Gratitude for all my Gurus- at Home, School , College and Work....

Glimpses from the bygone days flashed before my eyes

Rolling the canvas of Time I flipped through the pages of Life

A heart full of gratitude for my Gurus, at Home, Educational Institutions and Work

Thanks to all the knowledge bestowed upon me through Learnings and Experiences

Incredible people who made each interaction memorable 

Teaching me Courage, Belief, Forgiveness, Empathy

Unique Values which have been engraved into my Being

Diverse thoughts yet converged into one- Empowerment

Everlasting memories bringing back the VALUES every time!

Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Winds of Change

 Empty rooms stare back at me

As the cartons lay stacked , one on top of another

The cool evening breeze whispers 

“Winds of Change awaiting at the corner”

Leaving the known for the unknown

Untravelled paths , strange alleys, twists and turns

Yet another adventure, yet another chapter

“Winds of Change awaiting at the corner”

It seems just yesterday that we arrived 

With hopes, dreams and aspirations to conquer

Blessed to have achieved a few, yearning for more

“ Winds of Change awaiting at the corner”

The evening cascaded into twilight, Twilight into Dawn

As the first ray of Sunlight embraced the portico

It was Time to move on, don the cape of the traveller 

“ Winds of Change awaiting at the corner”

From Strangers to Friends

 It was a bright Sunny morning

The air crisp and fresh

The dew drops glittering with joy

Wished me Good Bye

As I boarded the train for a long journey forth

My heart skipped a beat

The engine purred into action

My journey had begun.

Eager, excited, I Looked out of the window

As my city was left behind

Trees, valleys, meadows danced along

And the train chugged ahead.

The metal wheels moved in full swing

While the track paved the way ahead

Dollops of white clouds embraced the clear blue sky

Smiling I believe, happy as I

The compartment was full 

Fellow passengers going to different destinations

But at the moment entwined together

Conversations flowed like the free flowing river

Stories , laughter, food …..shared and enjoyed

There sat an old lady, 

sharing stories as old and 

Intriguing as the wrinkles on her skin

The group a furlong away was singing happily

College students , I believe

The children played and made a delightful

Combination of colours and patterns

Of happy faces, faces which cannot be forgotten

The pages of my diary gets filled

With sketches of the happy moments

Which I know I will cherish, always.

Today as I sit and travel to those good old days

The old diary sits on my lap

How I wish I could go back

To those nomadic days

When I met strangers

But parted as friends.

Friday 30 October 2020

Lively and Living

 Day 30, #OctPoWriMo2020

Thank you Morgan for all the amazing prompts and poetry forms. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful work here . Keep smiling and writing always!

Now, for the theme today, I am using the Acrostic form to describe an innate frame of mind that I have no matter what the situation is in life. This defines me and my identity.

“ Lively and Living”

Looking at all obstacles with determination

I have always moved forward in this journey

Valued all lessons learnt along the way

Egging on with resolution towards a New Day

Loving and Living every moment

Yearning to be the Best Version of Myself

Another change is another opportunity

Never backing down and breaking the continuity

Done with living in the past 

Long gone are the days of unrest

Inviting positive thoughts no matter what

Vigor and vitality

Is what makes me, Me

Nothing negative will ever impact my emotions

Gearing up for what lies ahead, tomorrow and always!

Thursday 29 October 2020

From Strangers to Friends

 Day 29, #OctPoWriMO2020

I love to travel and the picture of the railroad track certainly brought back fond memories of those long journeys I used to take during the holidays as a child. Missing those memorable moments when fellow passengers not only shared home cooked food, but also stories . Those journeys have never been boring and many a times I have seen strangers parting as friends with promises of being in touch. 

The poem today is like reliving those happy moments.

Form: Free Verse.

From Strangers to Friends

It was a bright Sunny morning

The air crisp and fresh

The dew drops glittering with joy

Wished me Good Bye

As I boarded the train for a long journey forth

My heart skipped a beat

The engine purred into action

My journey had begun.

Eager, excited, I Looked out of the window

As my city was left behind

Trees, valleys, meadows danced along

And the train chugged ahead.

The metal wheels moved in full swing

While the track paved the way ahead

Dollops of white clouds embraced the clear blue sky

Smiling I believe, happy as I

The compartment was full 

Fellow passengers going to different destinations

But at the moment entwined together

Conversations flowed like the free flowing river

Stories , laughter, food …..shared and enjoyed

There sat an old lady, 

sharing stories as old and 

Intriguing as the wrinkles on her skin

The group a furlong away was singing happily

College students , I believe

The children played and made a delightful

Combination of colors and patterns

Of happy faces, faces which cannot be forgotten

The pages of my diary gets filled

With sketches of the happy moments

Which I know I will cherish, always.

Today as I sit and travel to those good old days

The old diary sits on my lap

How I wish I could go back

To those nomadic days

When I met strangers

But parted as friends.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

The Journey Within

 Day 28#OctPoWriMo2020

The current situation has given me ample amount of time to spend with myself. I have journeyed along paths that were hidden to my busy eyes. These experiences have been fulfilling and memorable. I learnt to value each and every moment and live in the present instead of dwelling in the past. Getting entangled into memories that cause pain deprives us of experiencing so many happy moments that life has in store for us. 

This poem is dedicated to that journey inwards.

Form : Free Verse

" The Journey Within"

The street in front of my house is quiet these days

The surrounding quieter than earlier

The stillness invites me 

To embark on a journey

A journey to explore

Things that I have missed

While being engrossed in satiating selfish desires

I look around and find myself surrounded

With moments invaluable

When did the flowers bloom in my garden?

That sapling grew into a bush, so soon?

What is that bird at my window sill?

Does it come and sing everyday?

The wind chimes have begun dancing

Trying to impress me, or is it a mundane thing?

The cool breeze brushes past my temple

I inhale the experience

And get full to the brim

With an inexplicable emotion

Tears roll down my eyes

As I sit by the window sill

I learn the value of a warm hug

A smile, a signal of gratitude

For all things taken for granted

I learn to value the love and care

Of my dear ones

I learn to value feelings over ambition

I learn to value relationships over capital

I learn to value unconditional love

Yes, this journey is fulfilling

This journey Within!