Friday, 18 May 2018

Another Goodbye

Another goodbye
It's been two months now
That we decided to go on different ways
It's been two months now 
That I still cope up with the days without your presence
Every corner of the house still smells of you
Strange I had heard that time heals all wounds
But with each passing moment I crave more for you
Your laughter still echoes in the hall
The couch still reminds of you lying asleep
Innocent,adorable like a baby
The sunshine still peeps through the hole in the curtain
Didn't feel like changing it though
The window sill sits quietly now
Missing the strumming of the guitar strings
sudden jingle of the wind chimes
Wakes me from a reverie
And transports me back to reality
It's been two months now
Still trying to move on
Leave those memories behind
I try in vain when awake
I bid goodbye every night to you in my sleep
You own my thoughts now
There is no escape
But to bid you farewell again and again
As yet Another goodbye lay stuck on my lips@Amrita (my entry for last month's poetry challenge)

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