Thursday, 8 September 2016

Sepian Memories

Silence echoed against the walls,
The empty halls, 
Turned sepian with age,
Whispers the moth eaten carpet,
To the broken chair, bandaged,
Are you alive?
Replies with a cough,"Yes,still, but its futile ",
The dust caped chandeliers
Look down with eyes tired,
Turned pale,
Gone are the days sublime,
The coquettish memories,
Colour the pristine environ
With warmth,grandeur unforgotten,
The barren ,weather beaten
Forlorn furniture clustering,
Heave sighs,
Clouding the vision,
The stillness in the air,
Greeted suddenly with cacophony
Of the giant door opening,
A gush of freshness
Pierced years of solitude
Like a giant wave
Crashing against the rocks ,unaware,
Life, life brewed in,
Ushered in sunlight,
Cascading away the eclipse eternal,
Asked the bandaged chair, "will we survive? "
"Nay,"replied the moth eaten carpet,
And heaved a sigh,
The old chandelier, still standing high!

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