Thursday, 26 November 2015


Poetry form - Acrostic

Image from Google

Aiming to soar high in the limitless sky,
Seeking to carve a niche in the hive,
Plummeting into industrious try,
Inching towards the glorious destination,
Rigorous endeavor aiming at culmination,
Arching dreams into realization,
Tackling hurdles with determination,
Invincible is the ambition,
Omnipotent is the grit,

Never say die- is the spirit!

Amrita Paul ( 26th Nov '15) 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The Comma ( a short pause)

Form- Shape poetry

Image : from Google

                                     Life with him,
                          Was heavenly, amazing,
              Was spectacular, splendid, awesome,
        As a couple they were famously phenomenal,

            Today the memories exist, faded,
                        Broken, like fragile twigs,
                                          Sighs, pain,
                                         Days spent
                                          In Vain
                                 The pause
             Taught her to applause
What life presented on a palate

And move on even after the pause.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

What if .........?

Image result for Questions

Image from Google

What if circumstances were spared;
Of tumultuous instances?
What if complications;
Wore a different cape of hope abundant?
What if emotions;
Flowed without any fear, any hindrance?
What if the mind was -
Free of all tensions floating gleefully across the horizon?
What if the heart;
Was not a slave of myriad distractions?
What if there was no need;
Of juggling with vulnerable inclinations?
What if……oh what if…….
Someday all this will make sense,
Till then need to have patience,
Conquer innumerable sensations,

Waiting for the ultimate realization !